Hello dearest reader (if anyone is even reading). I don't really know what I'm doing, I don't know html or css, but I've got programming experiance in py and
processing, so I don't think it'll be too difficult to pick up.
I am truly just a Yapper of magnificent proportions, I've always got a lot to express, even if no one ends up seeing/reading it. I do have a habit of abandoning projects, starting over again and again in a search for perfection that will never come. This is the 4th iteration of my website, and I'm not even sure if I'll finish this one lol
I've used and modified the christmas layout by
Itinerae Very much under construction, as you can see, but at least all the lorem ipsum text is gone.
Quotes I like
Things I like right now

My collection of fun little trinkets! The wand, sword, pentacle and cup are representations of the tarot suites, the scissors (sadly not real scissors) I found when I was a child, and the dice and little container were a gift for my 21st birthday! The dice are nice and heavy (for their size lol). The pentacle coin is slightly bigger than a pound coin for referance. The large side of the cup resonates at a G when struck, and the small side an A.
I really like how this collection feels and I'm excited to expand it.
Next I am thinking of finding a fancy box or pouch for it, as it lived in my prayer bead box which is made of a reinforced paper, but since the addition of the dice, it has outgrown its home.