sorry, hate myself too much to draw myself

About jim
jim / josh he/him 21 y.o GB in love, ♑︎, queer, eclectic pagan quaker, comp sci student, disabled, autistic, weirdo

Likes and dislikes
Likes: Skyrim, WoW, reading, animals, yapping, stickers, pink, "alt" things (cant belong to a subculture when you don't go outside), bodymods, art, nDS, studying, witchcraft, puzzles, music, religion, language, blankets
Dislikes: the Big Light, eating, when piercing balls go down the drain, slow internet, religious institutions, emetophobia, long distance *sigh*
Religion, spirituality, and the truth of it all.
Well, this isn't something I usually talk about, or really write about in this style.

I must preface this with a warning. I am very mentally ill, and have an odd relationship with reality... At first I sound okay, but it quickly begins to make sense why I have prefaced this with a warning

I'd describe myself first and foremost as a Quaker. BYM QFP is where I have found most Truth in text form. But my faith has wondered far beyond the walls of christendom. I have actually never been "christian". I think yeshua might have been a wise teacher, but he did not rise from the dead, nor did he perform miracles. I was raised very atheist, but I think I've found beings I could call gods, and an entity I could call God
Ignore me unless you can tell me whats wrong with the image next to over